Today we are going to play with some low-level transformations to use fewer bytes to store an array of tagged union.
source: [CC0 license]]

I was reading a recent blog post about reducing memory consumption in librsvg. In the blog post, the author explains that he took an array of unions where the variants had vastly different size, and created a much more compact representation. The article is really interesting, and the implementation reduce the memory footprint of librsvg by a significant margin in some corner cases.

In Rust, an enum is more or less a tagged union. If you create an array of tagged union, and the only thing you need to do is to iterate on it, this means that you are going to waste a lot of space. First of all you can remove all the padding inside the tagged union itself. Furthermore, if the type of the active variant isn’t the biggest variant, you can save some additional bytes.

The implementation of the author of the article is working, it doesn’t use any unsafe – which is a good thing – but I felt that it was quite under-engineered. The implementation worked only for a variable number of f64 (double in C), instead of any types possible for the variant.

Coming from a C and C++ background, I know that with some clever use of memcpy I would be able to remove all padding in the unions. So I tried write a demo in C, then re-wrote it in Rust. librsvg is a rust library (or “crate” as rustaceans call them), so I wanted to see if that trick was possible in Rust. Rust is a language that I started being really interested more or less a year ago, but I never took the time to start any project in it. I learn a few things along the way, so I though it would be a good idea to share this experiment.

Version 1: in C using tagged union

The goal is to take an array of unions, make it somehow more compact, and them being able to retrieve the unions in the same order.

The first thing we need is an union, with fields of different sizes to demonstrate the whole transformation.

// An union with 3 variants.
typedef union {
    char array[7];                 // 7 bytes
    float f;                       // 4 bytes
    struct {char x; char y;} pair; // 2 bytes
} Union;

C is a statically typed language, so it need to allocate (on the stack) enough space for any variant in an Union. This is why the size of Union is the size of the biggest variant, even if the active variant doesn’t need that much space.

The processor can access the data in memory only if it is correctly aligned. To make it more efficient, the compiler add some padding to correctly align the memory. This is usually useful, but in our case, where memory is more important than speed, this is not what we want.

The size of the union is the size of the biggest variant, which is 7 bytes, plus some architecture-dependent padding, for a total of 7 + 1 = 8 bytes on my machine.

In rust, an enum is a tagged union, so let’s create one manually in C from our union.

// A tagged union
typedef struct {
    unsigned char discriminant;     // 1 byte
    // architecture-dependent padding
    Union data;                     // 8 bytes
} TaggedUnion;

The discriminant can be encoded with a single byte since there is only 3 variants. Unfortunately there is 3 bytes of padding between the discriminant and the data. The total size is the size of the discriminant + the padding + the size of the data, for a total of 1 + 3 + 8 = 12 bytes

In the article, the author space optimized an array of tagged union. It was a dynamically allocated array, but for simplicity, we are going to use a statically allocated array.

// An array of two tagged unions
// Its size is 2× the size of one tagged union, so 32 bytes
TaggedUnion input [2] = {
    // Create a first union, that uses the variant "f"
        .discriminant = 1,  // 01 in hexadecimal
        .data.f = 3.0e-18,  // 66 5c 5d 22 in hexadecimal

    // Create a second variant that uses the variant "pair"
        .discriminant = 2,
        .data.pair = {
            .x = 'x',       // 0x78 in hexadecimal
            .y = 'y',       // 0x79 in hexadecimal

If we display the bytes in the array, we will get

01 00 00 00 66 5c 5d 22 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 78 79 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

You can see the discriminant (01) of the first variant, then some padding (the zeroes), the float (66 5c 5d 22), some more padding, the discriminant of the second variant (02), some padding, the pairs of characters (78 and 79) and the last bytes of padding. As you can guess, this isn’t really space efficient. It uses 16 bytes per tagged union, for a total of 32 bytes, even if we only have 4 + 2 bytes of data and two times 1 byte for the discriminant. It’s 24 bytes lost out of 32!

When you saw what I did, you may have immediately thing that it is possible to remove the padding with #pragma pack(1) or __attribute__((packed)). This is true for the padding between the discriminant and the data, but not for the extra space inside the union used by the active variant (since the size of the different variants isn’t the same).

The serialization method I choose is to remove all padding, and store both the discriminant and the data in a single contiguous buffer. Just by knowing the discriminant, you can know how much bytes you need to read next, and what is the type of the data you are reading. If it’s 0, then we have the variant array, which is 7 bytes long. If it’s a 1, it will be the variant f, a float which is 4 bytes long. And finally if it’s 2, it will be the variant pair, a pair of character, for a total of 2 bytes. By storing the index first, when reading, we will be able to know what kind of data is next.

After serialization, since all padding will be removed, we want to get:

01 66 5c 5d 22 02 78 79

To do so, we are going to copy each useful bytes into a buffer. Once again, for simplicity reason, we are going to statically allocate it (and I just created a “big enough” buffer, not an “exactly as big as needed” one).

unsigned char buffer[20] = {0}; // 20 bytes should be enough

Technically it is not even needed to zero initialize it, but it made debugging easier.

Next we will need to do the serialization. For that we need to read the discriminant, store it in the buffer, then read exactly as many bytes as needed (depending on the discriminant) and copy those bytes in the destination buffer.

// Get the size of a variant
size_t size_of_variant(unsigned char discriminant) {
    switch (discriminant) {
        case 0: return sizeof(char[7]);
        case 1: return sizeof(float);
        case 2: return sizeof(struct {char x; char y;});

// Serialize a tagged union into a buffer of bytes
// The buffer must be big enough
// Returns the number of bytes used in the buffer.
size_t serialize(TaggedUnion *tagged_union, unsigned char *buffer) {
    // Add the variant type in the buffer
    buffer[0] = tagged_union->discriminant;

    // Add the variant data in the buffer
    size_t nb_bytes = size_of_variant(tagged_union->discriminant);
    (void) memcpy(&buffer[1], &tagged_union->data, nb_bytes);
    return nb_bytes + 1; // NB: +1 for the discriminant

In C, arrays decays as pointers, and a pointer can be implicitly promoted as an array. buffer[0] will access to the first byte of the array. As such, &buffer[0] is the address of the first byte in the array, which is a synonym to buffer.

void* memcpy(void* dest, const void* src, std::size_t count);

memcpy copies count bytes, of the data pointed by scr into dest. It returns a pointer to dest, but I ignored the return value (this is why I casted it to void). This kind of transformation is really unsafe, because we are copying bytes into a struct, and reinterpreting those bytes as another type, but we can do it because we know the exact layout of both the source and the destination.

If you are familiar with C, all of this should be relatively straightforward.

To be able to debug what we are doing, we will need a way to display the content of the buffer.

void display(unsigned char *buffer, size_t bytes) {
    printf("consumed bytes: %d, buffer content: ", bytes);
    for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) {
        printf("%02x ", buffer[i]);

Let’s try this!

unsigned char buffer [20] = {0};
size_t bytes_written = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(input)/sizeof(input[0]); i++) {
    // Copy the first union in it
    bytes_written += serialize(&input[i], &buffer[bytes_written]);

    display(buffer, bytes_written);
    // The above lines outputs:
    // consumed bytes: 5, buffer content: 01 66 5c 5d 22
    // Then:
    // consumed bytes: 8, buffer content: 01 66 5c 5d 22 02 78 79

Perfect! The size of the serialized output is only 8 bytes, instead of the initial 32. Now we need to be able to do the reverse and deserialize it.

When reading back the buffer, the first thing to do is to read the first byte. This is the determinant. The determinant will give us how many bytes we need to read next, and how to interpret them, as we saw earlier.

// Copy an union from the buffer into an output tagged union.
TaggedUnion deserialize(unsigned char *buffer, size_t *index) {
    TaggedUnion tagged_union;

    // Read the discriminant
    unsigned char discriminant = buffer[*index];
    tagged_union.discriminant = discriminant;
    *index += 1;

    // Read the data
    size_t bytes_to_read = size_of_variant(discriminant);
    memcpy(&, &buffer[*index], bytes_to_read);
    *index += bytes_to_read;

    return tagged_union;

Let’s try it!

// Unpack the unions
TaggedUnion output[2];
size_t bytes_read = 0;

for (int i = 0; bytes_read <= bytes_written; ++i) {
    output[i] = deserialize(buffer, &bytes_read);

assert(input[0].discriminant == output[0].discriminant);
assert(input[0].data.f == output[0].data.f);

assert(input[1].discriminant == output[1].discriminant);
assert(input[1].data.pair.x == output[1].data.pair.x && input[1].data.pair.y == output[1].data.pair.y);

All the asserts passed successfully. Our packing/unpacking method works well. Now it’s time to do the same in Rust.

You can find the whole code on compiler explorer

Version 2: in Rust, using tagged union

This is one of the first time I’m writing code in this language but I’ve been interested in it since a long time. I read a lot of things, but I never really used it myself. Having my first project with that kind of low-level manipulation may not be the better thing to do, especially since I will need to use unsafe blocks to do the low-level memory manipulation, but let’s try it together!

Like in C, the first thing we are going to do is to create a tagged union. I will intentionally use union and not enum for this first version to be closer to the C code. Then I will re-write it a second time to be more idiomatic.

pub union Union {
    pub array: [u8; 7],
    pub f: f32,
    pub pair: (u8, u8),

pub struct TaggedUnion {
    pub discriminant: u8,
    pub data: Union,

I used the #[repr(C)] to tell the compiler to use the C ABI, which gives guaranties about the padding and the size of each variant. Like in C, the Union is 8 bytes (including the byte of padding), and the TaggedUnion is 12 bytes long.

Given that Rust gives an easy access to dynamically growing arrays through the Vec<T> class, we will use it instead of a static array like in C.

let input = vec![
    TaggedUnion {
        discriminant: 1,
        data: Union {
            f: 3.0e-18,
    TaggedUnion {
        discriminant: 2,
        data: Union {
            pair: (

In rust the std::char type is a Unicode codepoint. This is really useful because this means that it can store any characters from a std::String (which encoded in utf-8, like any sane language should be). However, this also means that the size of one std::char is going to be 4 bytes long to represent any codepoints. In the C version, the pair was a tuple of two ASCI characters (1 byte each). To have the same representation in Rust, I had to use a single unsigned byte, and fill it with byte literal (this is what the b in the b'x' and b'y' means).

Now, let’s implement the serialization.

fn serialize(buffer: &mut Vec<u8>, tagged_union: &TaggedUnion) {
        match tagged_union.discriminant {
            0 => { let data: &[u8; size_of::<[u8; 7]>()] = unsafe{transmute(&}; data },
            1 => { let data: &[u8; size_of::<f32>()] = unsafe{transmute(&}; data },
            2 => { let data: &[u8; size_of::<(u8, u8)>()] = unsafe{transmute(&}; data },
            _ => unsafe {::core::hint::unreachable_unchecked()},

Taking a slice of memory and re-interpreting to as a slice of another type of data is inherently insecure, and error prone. The alignment, the size of the type, the endianness,… and many other things that I probably don’t know may change the data layout. In C we used memcpy to copy the bytes. In Rust, we can use transmute. In C++ it would have been std::static_cast. Since this operation is unsafe, and if not done correctly can lead to undefined behavior, we had to use unsafe in Rust. unsafe doesn’t mean that the code contains undefined behavior, but that it is the responsibility of the programmer to prove it. In safe Rust (any code that isn’t unsafe), the compiler will do this for you and guaranty that no undefined behaviors can happen.

If you want to know exactly what kind of superpower (as well as the responsibilities associated with it) unsafe offers you, you can take a look at the Rust book.

The deserialization is a bit more verbose because of the absence of either const generics and generic associated type (GAT). Both of those features are being worked on, and will eventually land, but for the moment, we will have to wait a bit. This just mean that we will have to repeat ourselves in the extraction logic.

First, let’s take a look at the general structure of the deserialize function.

// Copy an union from the buffer into an output tagged union.
// SAFETY: The buffer must have been filled by the `serialize` function.
// The `index` must point to the beggining of a serialized `TaggedUnion`.
unsafe fn deserialize(buffer: &Vec<u8>, offset: &mut usize) -> TaggedUnion
    let discriminant = buffer[*offset];
    *offset += 1;

    TaggedUnion {
        discriminant: discriminant,
        data: match discriminant {
            0 => /* extract the array */,
            1 => /* extract the float */,
            1 => /* extract the pair of characters */,
            _ => unsafe {::core::hint::unreachable_unchecked()},

If you are not familiar with Rust, you need to know that nearly everything is an expression, and the last expression is returned from a function. This means that the TaggedUnion is created from the match statement, and then returned from the function.

You may notice that I added unsafe around ::core::hint::unreachable_unchecked(), even if we are already in an unsafe function. I agree with the currently discussed proposition of stopping to interpret unsafe fn as unsafe context, and added #![allow(unused_unsafe)] at the beginning of my file.

The logic is exactly the same for all 3 types of insertion, I will just past the one for the array of 7 bytes here. The extraction of the float, and the pair of character is an exercise for the reader. If you are really lazy, you can just look at the code at the end of this post!

type T = [u8; 7];

const SIZE: usize = size_of::<T>();
let pointer: *const [u8; SIZE] = unsafe{ transmute(&buffer[*offset]) };
let value: T = unsafe{ transmute(*pointer) };

*offset += SIZE;
/* return */ Union { array: value }

It is just a bit of pointer casting. First I transmute the pointer to the data inside the buffer into a pointer to a known number of bytes. Then I transmute the pointed data into the real type.

This structure is a bit verbose, but you only need to modify the first line (by specifying another T), and the last (by specifying another variant type) when implementing the logic for the float and the pair of characters.

The whole implementation can be found in the playground.

This code is working, but it isn’t idiomatic Rust. First of all, I should have used an enum as explained in the introduction. It’s a bit like tagged union, but safer, and the steroids are included! Secondly, my deserialize function is unsafe, because we give it raw data. If instead I was using an iterator to an opaque type created from serialize, it wouldn’t possible neither to read data that wasn’t created by the serialization function, nor at an invalid index. And finally, I think I should probably not re-invent the wheel, and implement the Serialize and Deserialize trait from Serde to make it compatible with the rest of the Rust ecosystem.

Version 3: in Rust, using an enum

It’s sad to say, but being able to serialize an enum is anything but trivial. The alignment, and the size of the discriminant are not easily accessible.

Luckily, the well known serialization crate Serde exists. One of his backend, bincode give it the ability to directly generate a binary buffer.

For that you would need to add in your Cargo.toml

bincode = "1.2"
serde =  { version = "1.0", features = ["derive"] }

And then all the boilerplate is going to be generated for you.

use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};

#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum Enum {
    Array([u8; 7]),
    Pair(u8, u8),

fn main() {
    let input = vec![
        Enum::Pair(b'x', b'y'),
    let buffer = dbg!(bincode::serialize(&input).unwrap());
    let output: Vec<Enum> = dbg!(bincode::deserialize::<Vec<Enum>>(&buffer[..]).unwrap());

Unfortunately, the encoded discriminant is always stored using 4 bytes even if you used a different #[repr(...)] for the enum. All hopes aren’t lost, because varint is currently proposed to be added in bincode. If this PR is accepted, this means that we could directly use an enum, and get optimal serialization for free!

When encoding a discriminant as a varint, we first encore the number of bytes needed (if discriminant = 5, you need 1 byte, while if discriminant = 1000, it will be 2 bytes), then the value of the discriminant. And there is a clever trick if the value is less than 250 (which can fit in a single byte), the size doesn’t even need to be encoded!

EDIT: If you are in a no_std environment, you may be interested by the postcard crate. It already uses leb128 for enums and lengths, witch make it a great candidate.

Another possible space optimization to store number that have a high chance to be close to zero (like a discriminant) would have been to use LEB128. The idea is relatively simple. The number is written in base 128 (which means that you write 7 bit at a time), and you set the highest bit to 1 if there is additional bits to read on the next bytes.

thirty   = 00000000 00011110 -> 00011110 (fit in one byte)
           -------- ---abcde    0--abcde

thousand = 00000011 11101000 -> 11101000 00000111 (fit in two bytes)
           ------HI Jabcdefg    1abcdefg 0----HIJ

As you can see, since thirty can fit in seven bits. The output will be a single byte. However thousand is bigger than 127 (the biggest 7-bits number), so the output will be two bytes. The three highest bit of thousand have moved to the second byte (H, I and J). The highest bit of the first output byte is a 1, because we need to read the next output byte to get the full number, while the highest bit of the second output byte is a 0 since we don’t need to read more bytes when doing the deserialization.

And finally, if memory is definitively an issue, it is possible to take that output buffer and compress it. lz4 is probably a good bet, and even has a rust binding.

I hope you liked this journey in the low-level side of your memory. Happy hacking!

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